This document serves as a reference explaining different error messages you may receive from the API. Notes below each error message explain their cause and resolution.

Could not find variable X in Ruleset input

	"status": "failed",
	"detail": "Could not find variable X in Ruleset input"

This means the data request into the Ruleset API is missing a required field listed in the Start Rule.

Could not find the next Rule to run

    "status": "failed",
    "detail": "Could not find the next Rule to run - Check if an End Rule has been created for this Ruleset"

This means there is not an End Rule in the Ruleset.

Unexpected EOF while parsing

    "status": "failed",
    "detail": "unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)"

This can mean either:

Screen Shot 2022-10-08 at 1.38.12 AM.png

End Rule is missing output fields

    "status": "failed",
    "detail": "End Rule is missing output fields. Please check to see if these were declared"

This means there is an End Rule saved on the “Output Variables” tab, but with no output defined (see below screenshot).