This guide is to show how developers can easily connect Rulesets within your applications.

First, Get Your Two Key Variables

To integrate a Ruleset, you’ll need:

The API Key is your unique key for authorizing your application to your Rulesets.

It can be found at Organizations → Click Organization Name → Click “API Keys” tab.

From there, click the “eye” icon to see the key, or click the “clipboard” icon to copy the API key. This will be used for the integration and you can paste into the sample code later in this document.

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Ruleset Endpoint

Your Ruleset Endpoint is displayed within the Ruleset editor screen.

From the homepage (which lists the Rulesets), click the name of the Ruleset you’d like to use.

At the top of the screen you should see the text “Generated Endpoint” beneath the Ruleset’s name.

From here, you can copy this address by clicking the Clipboard icon on the right, or highlighting and right-clicking the text in the light box (https://dashboard.ruleset.ai/v1/rulesets/generated/ad42039f-bec5-4d44-96e6-48690bd76e26 in this example).

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